Junk Removal Target Budget Template

Download your free junk removal budget template

Welcome, junk removal business owners — here is your comprehensive budgeting template to help you make better decisions and have a clearer image of your company. This will make your life easier.

In our bookkeeping service, junk removal companies frequently ask us two questions:

  1. How much should I spend on (insert item) on my Profit & Loss statement?
  2. I hate budgeting, can you just do it for me?”

Here is your answer to both of those questions: The Target Budget Spreadsheet does both of these things for you!

An introduction of Blue Skies Admin Services:

A small snapshot of the budget template:

Here is a snapshot of just one sheet in the document — do not be overwhelmed! We guide you through this disciplined, detailed junk removal budget document. Get your budget in order, using industry targets and with detailed guidance.

Junk Removal Target Budget Template 1

Why Target Budgets?

Our service industry companies should shoot for consistent budget targets. This will help you allocate expenses in the right “buckets” so that you can make good business decisions. This will help ensure that you are spending the correct amount of money for each aspect of your business.

This budget template is detailed — you will get your numbers in order. It will help determine your junk removal sales and marketing budget, your payroll and your assets/liabilities. You can customize this template as much as you’d like or you can leave the industry-standard targets.


Download the budget spreadsheet for junk removal companies (includes a comprehensive walk through of the entire budget template)

This pre-filled budget template is worth over $1,000 — and it’s yours absolutely free. It is in-depth, contains built-in industry targets and comes with a comprehensive virtual walkthrough.

You will receive an email with a link to the window washing budget spreadsheet and to the video walking you through the entire budget.


The In-Depth Instructional Videos to walk you through the template

This template provides so much value that getting the full use of it requires some explaining. It’s like having a chat with you one-on-one to get a better grasp of your business’ books.

Download the template below, grab a cup of coffee and start making a huge difference in your business — all for free! It’s more than $1,000 in value.

Video 1 – Instructions for the first spreadsheet in the template: Budget vs. Actual

Video 2 – Instructions for the 2nd spreadsheet: Sales & Marketing

Video 3: Instructions for the 3rd spreadsheet: Payroll

Video 4: Instructions for the 4th spreadsheet: Assets & Liabilities

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